Henrik Sommerfeld

A beginner’s experiences of unit testing Javascript

As someone working mostly with SharePoint server-side code, unit tests are something that requires quite some investment in time to get rolling with – and consequently not being done. Javascript is a different thing though. Since a big part of most projects using SharePoint is (or should be) done with Javascript, we should be testing that code. (Of course this applies to any system with a web interface, but I assume most of you that don’t have SharePoint in your CV’s are already doing this).

I want to share my experience from adding tests to a function written without tests in mind. In the code base I’m working with I found that we had a function that was called from a lot of places and wasn’t always working. It looked like this:

MAN.getQueryVariable = function(variable, unescape) {
     var query = window.location.search.substring(1);
     var vars = query.split('&');
     for (var i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) {
         var pair = vars[i].split('=');
         if (decodeURIComponent(pair[0]) == variable) {
             if (unescape)
                 return unescape(pair[1]);
             return decodeURIComponent(pair[1]);
     return null;

The problem (the unescape parameter) was quite easy to spot, but I can’t say that the function’s inner workings are immediately obvious to me. It has a good name though, so I understand what it does at the higher level. So I wanted to write some tests for the function without having to change it in a way that effected the callers.

I found out that the unescape function isn’t part of the Javascript language, but rather something that exists on the window object and thus constitutes a dependency. Like all dependencies we want to inject them into the function so that we can inject a faked object when testing. I also prefer to be explicit about where functions belong, i.e. using namespaces and referring to window.unescape() rather than just unescape(). So, here’s my slightly modified version ready for testing.

// MAN = My Abbreviated Namespace
var MAN = MAN || {}

MAN.getQueryVariable = function (variable, useUnescape, optionalFakeWindow) {
    var windowInstance = optionalFakeWindow || window;
    var query = windowInstance.location.search.substring(1);
    var vars = query.split('&');
    for (var i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) {
        var pair = vars[i].split('=');
        if (decodeURIComponent(pair[0]) == variable) {
            if (useUnescape)
                return windowInstance.unescape(pair[1]);
            return decodeURIComponent(pair[1]);
    return null;

I have found that I like Jasmine as my unit testing library for how the tests (or specs) are expressed and I also find the documentation to be in good shape. As the enthusiastic beginner I am in this area I might have ended up with a slightly overkill kind of test suite, considering the amount of test code compared to the amount of tested code. But hey, you got to start somewhere right? Here’s what I ended up with:

describe("MAN", function () {
    describe("getQueryVariable()", function () {
        var fakeWindow;

        beforeEach(function () {
            fakeWindow = { location: { search: "?q=searchedValue&df=280010|290010|447|1100" }, unescape: function () { } };

        it("should return null when requested parameter is not present in url", function () {
            var value = MAN.getQueryVariable("parametername", false, fakeWindow);


        it("should return null when no parameter is present in url", function () {
            fakeWindow.location.search = "";

            var value = MAN.getQueryVariable("parametername", false, fakeWindow);


        it("should return value when requested parameter is present in url", function () {
            var value = MAN.getQueryVariable("q", false, fakeWindow);

            value = MAN.getQueryVariable("df", false, fakeWindow);

        describe("window.unescape", function () {
            /* decodeURIComponent and window.unescape will in some cases return different results, 
            see example from http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/jsref_decodeuricomponent.asp
            "st%C3%A5le" will return "ståle" and "stÃ¥le" respectively               
            beforeEach(function () {
                spyOn(fakeWindow, "unescape");
            afterEach(function () {

            it("should be used when requested", function () {
                var useUnEscape = true;
				var value = MAN.getQueryVariable("q", useUnEscape, fakeWindow);

            it("should not be used when not requested", function () {
                var useUnEscape = false;
				var value = MAN.getQueryVariable("q", useUnEscape, fakeWindow);

Now I’m at the point where I actually dare to change some stuff, and that’s where I want to be with code. If I make a mistake like in the original code, overriding an existing function with a parameter, my tests would tell me. So, the barrier to unit testing Javascript is indeed low and does not require expensive tools (I used Notepad++ and Chrome initially for this before I integrated it into our Visual Studio project). Green makes one happy, get started testing if you haven’t already! You can download this if you want to try it out: js-tests_henrikpalm.se_2013-04-07.zip

Passing unit tests with Jasmine
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