Henrik Sommerfeld

Category: Coding

Inventory of Page Layout Usage in a SharePoint Site

Recently I got a request to find out the usage of page layouts on a large SharePoint site. I Googled and found a few scripts, but none that did all I wanted, e.g. to limit the inventory to a certain sub-site. So I wrote my own one. Read →

Using a Responsive CSS Grid with Relative Measures

When you build a web site on a CMS and a theme made by someone else you always have some limitations. For this blog I use WordPress and the Montezuma theme, and this is how I customised the default CSS grid options to my liking. These are the grid options you can choose from in version 1.2.4 of the Montezuma theme. Not bad at all, but if you want to use a responsive layout (and yes, you should) you have to choose between a fixed 960 px maximum width or use the 100% width option which can become ridiculous on large high resolution screens. Read →

A beginner’s experiences of unit testing Javascript

As someone working mostly with SharePoint server-side code, unit tests are something that requires quite some investment in time to get rolling with – and consequently not being done. Javascript is a different thing though. Since a big part of most projects using SharePoint is (or should be) done with Javascript, we should be testing that code. (Of course this applies to any system with a web interface, but I assume most of you that don’t have SharePoint in your CV’s are already doing this). Read →

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