Henrik Sommerfeld

Category: Coding

Hugo Tag Could

I recently started to look at migrating this blog from WordPress to a static site engine. Hugo got my attention and I decided to try it out. One thing I have in WordPress is a tag cloud. I couldn’t find an example of how to create one with varying font sizes in Hugo, so I tried creating my own. Hugo discussion forum topics Weighted tag cloud and Tag Cloud talk about this. Read →

Azure Media Player Full Screen Resizing Fix

Lately I’ve been working on switching to Azure Media Services from another video platform on my customer’s web site. I’ve found some challenges related to sizing of the player in different browsers with different playback methods (HTML5, Flash and Silverlight). Particularly the size of the player when exiting full screen mode has been flaky. I can’t say for sure that this isn’t the fault of the web site it lives on, but I don’t see anything indicating that either. Read →

Frustration with NodeJS on Windows

During the last couple of years I have noticed more and more developers switching to Mac, especially among those in the SharePoint field that traditionally have been very loyal to Microsoft. I see a correlation between this and the trend away from Visual Studio bound development. After playing around with NodeJS for awhile I understand why and hope for a change. Hopefully I can save you some googling with the links in this post if you run into the same issues as I have. Read →

My IoT Exploration – Part 5 – Costs and Architecture Refection

Having run my home office monitoring service for more than a month, I can now reflect back on the project. Even though I have an MSDN subscription trough work with a bunch of Azure credit included to spend every month, I decided to use a Pay-As-You-Go subscription for this project. I wanted to be sure that the services I used was available to me even if I would loose the MSDN subscription. Read →

Easier Debugging of JS tests in Visual Studio with Chutzpah 4.3.0+

If you have a Visual Studio project that uses Chutzpah for JavaScript tests, things recently got a lot easier with a long-awaited update. Problem When all tests pass with the Chutzpah test runner everything is fine, but when you need to debug a test, things haven’t been as easy. Debugging the JS code in Visual Studio is something I never got working and never really cared about anyway. The best debugging tool for JavaScript is of course the web browser, but when selecting Open in browser in Visual Studio, Chutzpah has served the HTML test page (Jasmine in my case) through the FILE:/// protocol. Read →
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