Henrik Sommerfeld

Tag: Career

The Grass is Greener on the Other Side

Approaching 40 years old and two years since I changed direction as a software developer, I conclude that the grass really is greener on the other side. Perhaps I should have jumped earlier. Git hooks are better than deployment weekends! Read →

Getting a Divorce From SharePoint 💔

In my early days as a consultant this product from Microsoft called SharePoint became popular and customers starting to ask for people who could work with it. As a junior, I jumped onboard and could soon call myself a SharePoint developer, one of the hottest thing in the IT consultant market at the time (around 2007). This specialisation got me into interesting development projects and I learned a lot. What was initially a hurdle (the horrible API), soon became familiar and an advantage for me compared to colleagues in the business that hadn’t got the same exposure to the product. Read →

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