Henrik Sommerfeld

Tag: Internet of Things

My IoT Exploration – Part 2 – Raspberry Pi Sense HAT

Continuing my Internet of Things journey from my earlier post My IoT Exploration – Part 1 – The Failure, I got a Raspberry Pi with a Sense HAT. The Sense HAT has all the features I need, integrated in one shield: temperature, humidity and barometric pressure and a LED as a bonus. Given my goal that I wanted to push the data to a hosted service, I now had a much better foundation for succeeding with that. Read →

My IoT Exploration – Part 1 – The Failure

Last Christmas I got an Arduino starter kit for present. It took me a long time to finally open the box and have an idea about what I should do with it. What I’ve found challenging about learning new stuff that I don’t have an immediate use for, is the lack of a clear goal. Making an LED blink isn’t all that exiting in my mind and even though I like the projects in the starter kit, I didn’t do them until I had a project of my own figured out. Read →

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