Henrik Sommerfeld

Tag: Netlify CMS

Netlify CMS with Gatsby - Best Option with Some Quirks

When I needed a CMS for a Gatsby site, my choice became Netlify CMS. I’ll talk about my criteria, pros and cons. This was a personal website made for a non-technical person (why I needed a CMS at all in the first place) who associates websites with WordPress. She, my wife, is fairly tech savvy, but wouldn’t accept editing markdown or other “complicated things” 🙃 My hypothesis was that I could somewhat compensate for unintuitive features with some “on-site training”. Read →

Netlify CMS - Incorrectly eaten value

I’m writing this in case I forget it later. Context I’m migrating my wife’s blog from WordPress to GatsbyJS and since she’s not comfortable with Markdown or Git, I need a CMS. I aim at a zero-cost solution and I want the content to be part of the repository, rather than a separate thing (like what an API driven CMS provides). Problem Netlify CMS crashes when the frontmatter is followed by a newline and an image. Read →

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