Henrik Sommerfeld

Tag: Nodejs

Create Fake Backend with Node Express

The thing I’m most satisfied with in a long time is the introduction of a fake backend for my team’s frontend development. When you have another system that you depend on and that you have no control over, it’s always worth considering if that system can be replaced with a fake version for development. This is especially valuable when this backend system(s) is highly configurable and can be in a lot of different “states” that you cannot control. Read →

Replacing Web Compiler With Node Sass

After a long time of unreliable results with Web Compiler, especially in TFS, I decided to replace it with node-sass. Web Compiler is an extension to Visual Studio that listens to changes in your .scss files (among others) and compiles them. It can also be configured to run as part of your TFS build. With our solution this has however been highly unreliable, where Web Compiler claims that files have been compiled, but the changes you made are not reflected in the resulting bundles. Read →

Build Steps Using NPM Scripts for My Hugo Blog

Quite recently I migrated this blog from WordPress to Hugo. Since I didn’t want to use a theme built by someone else, I had to add things like CSS and JavaScript myself. To be able to work with this locally in an efficient way and to be able to produce a complete build output in a reproducible manner, I had to automate the build steps. With WordPress I used Gulp for this, but I thought that might not be needed, so I made an attempt to do this using only npm scripts. Read →

Frustration with NodeJS on Windows

During the last couple of years I have noticed more and more developers switching to Mac, especially among those in the SharePoint field that traditionally have been very loyal to Microsoft. I see a correlation between this and the trend away from Visual Studio bound development. After playing around with NodeJS for awhile I understand why and hope for a change. Hopefully I can save you some googling with the links in this post if you run into the same issues as I have. Read →

My IoT Exploration – Part 4 – Presenting the Data

This is my fourth post about exploring Internet of Things, previous posts can be found here: My IoT Exploration – Part 1 – The Failure My IoT Exploration – Part 2 – Raspberry Pi Sense HAT My IoT Exploration – Part 3 – Sending Data to Cloud For the last piece of this project I pretty much followed the approach described in Visualizing IoT Data with Web App. Since I wanted to learn how to create and deploy Azure Web Apps, this was a good fit. Read →

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