Henrik Sommerfeld

Tag: Scripting

A beginner’s experiences of unit testing Javascript

As someone working mostly with SharePoint server-side code, unit tests are something that requires quite some investment in time to get rolling with – and consequently not being done. Javascript is a different thing though. Since a big part of most projects using SharePoint is (or should be) done with Javascript, we should be testing that code. (Of course this applies to any system with a web interface, but I assume most of you that don’t have SharePoint in your CV’s are already doing this). Read →

Setting up an IIS Warm-up Script in an automated fashion

Automatic recycling of application pools in IIS may be necessary, but it can annoy the users how happen to be up at night or early in the morning (depending on when the recycles are scheduled). There are numerous warm-up scripts out there and I have just stolen one of them. The purpose of this post is to show you how I set it up to run automatically when the application pools are recycled. Read →

Automatically Backup your Gmail account on a schedule with GMVault and Mac OS X launchd

While looking over my backup routines, I stumbled on Scott Hanselman’s post Automatically Backup your Gmail account on a schedule with GMVault and Windows Task Scheduler. I had never really thought about backing up my Gmail account, but why not. Even though I’m mainly a Windows guy, my Windows 8 machine at home is a big tower that requires quite a lot of electricity and is therefore only powered on when needed. Read →

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